In order to reinforce the commitment of its ethical and transparent management, EPA implemented the Compliance Program, which consists in the adoption of a culture of integrity and compliance in corporate activities.

The program was developed to train all company employees on adherence to current regulations and manage the risks of the operation in the most different aspects, such as regulatory, tax, labor, environmental, among others.

In addition to clarifying the points about Law No. 12,846 / 2013, better known as the Anti-Corruption Law, which is the main reference of the minimum requirements that are accepted by the federal legislation for participation in tenders with public agencies, the Codes of Ethics and of Conduct to guide, in advance, the attitudes that EPA employees must take in critical situations.

For questions or reports of occurrences, contact us via email or visit In all channels, identities are preserved and information is kept confidential and restricted to the Ethics Committee until the facts are ascertained.

Download our Code of Conduct and Ethics and learn more about EPA’s internal policies.