EPA offers complete logistical assistance for your crew to plan their trip to train with us. For this, we have partners that serve our customers with special conditions:



RKBC: RKBC offers a variety of personalized services for the success of your trip. With agility, transparency and the best cost benefit, we design your trip with the best logistics for your business. Contact: Rafael Kalinowski – rafael@rkbc.com.br / +55 41 99944-9982


Brazil has signed visa exemption agreements with about 90 countries. To find out if you need a visa to travel to Brazil, click here.

For the ones who need to apply for a visa, check the requirements with the Brazilian Embassy in your country at: https://www.gov.br/mre/en/subjects/protocol/diplomatic-corps-list.

Safety Briefing

Donwload here the EPA’s Safety Briefing.

Full Welcome Guide

Donwload here the full version of the Welcome Guide.

Tourist attractions

Curitiba is known for its greenery and its beautiful parks. Check out some suggestions for places to visit while you’re here.